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melvin wrote at 4:09 AM.
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AGM 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Hooray! The 3rd Excos have stepped down. Heralding the 4th Exco into reign!
Last Friday marks the end of an eventful year for Symphonia. Emotions were overwhelming, scenes of hugging and thank-you speeches were over the floor. Symphonia has successfully passed the baton over to the 4th Exco and may I wish you guys all the best in bringing Symphonia forward!
Not forgetting our stakeholders who sat through our AGM and representatives from our Advisors (Dr. Margaret Chan) and OSL Manager Mr. Yeow Ching Shiong, Symphonia would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you folks who has squeezed precious time to attend our general meeting. Special mentions to Jeanie and her ACF too.
Let the picture speak the thousand words. This will be Symphonia Jisiao Department's last post =).
Love, Symphonia Jisiao Department 2006-2007
symphonia wrote at 8:50 PM.
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