Bandits @ Perth Day 4
Monday, May 28, 2007

Ok! The long awaited entry is here!

Day 4 was a jam packed day for us all. We woke up really early to get ready on our 4 hour journey to Margaret River. To be greeted with yet another pack of chinese food for breakfast in the morning.

Luckily our kan cheong spider effort to be at Margaret River on time paid off, when we were there extremely early, and had time to tour the town centre before our performance and Margaret River Senior High School.

It was a good breather after the long bus ride and keep our spirits high and ready for yet another perth-formance at MRSHS. It was quite interesting as our audience knows how to play musical instruments as well. And it’s good to see that they’re enthusiastic about our music and our Instant Concert game! :)

After that really tiring day we headed back to the town centre of Margaret River for more shopping, especially stocking up on junk food and what nots for our next few days. Don’t we just love grocery shopping?

After the town centre shopping and gluttoning we make a short stop to enjoy the lovely sunset, before we had to the Margaret River Beach Resort where we will be staying for the rest our stay. And not forgetting! BBQ by Mr Glosz! Oh boy, that was quite a merry feast of wine and dine!

The merry night ended off with a bang with more post party and people making more than a din! ;) woooOOO!

symphonia wrote at 11:25 PM.

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Bandits @ Perth Day 3
Monday, May 21, 2007

And as if shopping yesterday is not enough! The bandits were back at habour town for the second time on Day 3!!


After that, we SHOPPED some more at Morish Nuts! Just one more! Just one more! The nuts were really amazing! And after we bought half the shop up the bus, we were finally satisfied. =)

Next, it was more perth-formance for us, over John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School. Alright, THAT was quite a mouthful. The performance was really fun and the audience were all soo cute! They even came to us to get autographs. Oh my, don't we feel like stars. HAHA!

After JSRACS, it was... GROCERY SHOPPING!! Oh my, how fun can. The supermarket there is supersize! Packed with all sorts of goodies. Woohoo!

And after dinner we had a hell of a time having exchange with Perth Concert Band. And did I mention the 633 Squadron that sent our heads whirling! It was indeed an eye opener and definately, fun!

And as usual all of us had an awesome and tiring day in Perth!

symphonia wrote at 11:33 PM.

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symphonia wrote at 12:22 AM.

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Bandits @ Perth Day 2
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Day 2 started out with a great big bang over at habour town. After that extremely long day the day before, we've finally recharged ourselves and ready to shop till we drop over at habour town.

After that we headed straight off to UWA for a performance. And before that, we had real fun touring the gorgeous campus!

Then we had our very first Perth-formance. The people in Currie Hall were really wonderful audience. Can see that they really enjoyed our performance. And it was simply great to see Singaporeans in UWA.

After UWA, it was dinner and back to Aldeney. And not forgetting some drinks and fun!

symphonia wrote at 10:50 PM.

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Due to the poor connection back in Perth, this has to be completed in Singapore. Welcome back bandits and hope you guys had a good rest today.

And so Day 0 started out when the bandits gather at the airport and took our first ever trip group photo along with our banner which does smells crazy. haha!!

And our first destination was King's Park! The weather there was amazing and oh did I mention the breath taking view. What a great start for our virgin voyage!

And oh this! I don't think WE need much elaboration of that? =pPp

And our very own sadako! O.O

And after a long tiring day, after dinner at Charles's ex-neighbour's place. We are back at Aldeney. Home sweet home at least for the next few nights!

symphonia wrote at 10:25 PM.

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Countdown : 2 MORE DAYS!
Friday, May 11, 2007

Just two more days and the bandits will be flying to Australia and do our Perth-formaces!
Catch the updates on the fun & activities we'll have!

And see ya on Friday night in Bandit V2 tee ~

symphonia wrote at 12:33 AM.

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