Sunday, June 25, 2006

Symphomania! Registration Form: here
Indemnity Form for those below 21 years: here
Indemnity Form for those above 21 years: here

Fill up the forms and submit them together with the registration fee during matriculation at the ACF (Arts & Cultural Fraternity) booth. There will be symphonians there awaiting your enthusiastic participation!!! :)

For those who are unable to confirm their participation by matriculation -- DO NOT FRET!!! You can pop by during any of our practices after matriculation (the schedules will be posted out soon...) to submit your form and $5!

You can submit your forms via email at to "chope" your place in Symphomania! CONFIRM your participation, you will need to submit a hardcopy.
To all my ardent freshies.. What are you waiting for?! Hurry!! fill up the forms and join us in SYMPHOMANIA!

The deadline for submission: 21st July Friday 2359hr :)


Cheryl & Aloysius
Symphomania Registry

For any enquiries, please contact us here

symphonia wrote at 11:17 PM.

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It's Summer!!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hi Symphonians,

Summer's in da house!!! (wait, it should be outside.)

With that, we have suggested a series of Summer Wear 2006 in store for all you hunks and babes!!! What you see below are mere prototypes of the singlet designs and our designers are still cracking their brains to come up with the coolest clothing design for all you daredevils.

What better way to portray Symphonia's hip band culture with these singlets (and lingeries to come if you guys are keen) than to showcase our vibrant club as well as our iron-bods?

Use it for gym.. Use it for beach outing (coming up).. Use it for chalet (coming up)...

The thing is, if majority of you are interested, the price may be cheaper. One point to note, our club won't be sponsoring/subsidizing because not everybody will be keen. So the price of our merchandise will be based on the no. of people interested =) Estimated prices will definitely be below $12.

Attached below are only 2 of our many many designs. Interested party refer to Chongmin, Biz Dev Mgr for Symphonia's Summer Wear 2006.

Do not worry about the designs and types of apparel we provide. Like i said, these are just prototypes. So put aside your doubts and hurry indicate your interests k?

Note: We are intending to design singlets (both males/females), T-shirts (unisex) and perhaps jackets for interested members.

Thank you and see you guys tmr!!

Symphonia (Ad-hoc) Merchandise Department.

symphonia wrote at 11:51 PM.

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are you keen to be a member of symphonia? contact us here.



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